Hydra-Filter II |
Two MS-20 style filters in series or
parallel, (one of which is stomp enabled independently of the bypass). each with
CV input, and a bi-directional amplitude envelope follower (w/ Ghost
attack stomp) with a depth control to each filter. Pre or post gain
available for each. This is basically a Dual PhoTron sans LFO + some
routing goodies. |
Dual Space Case
+ Tremolo + MOD BOX |
One Delay with fully loaded
LFO MOD BOX to modulate delay rate and amplitude (tremolo)
simultaneously, in series with a second Delay w/ simple dedicated LFO
routable to the rate or the wet (delay line) amplitude. This is a one
box noise show. A very custom job. |
MS-20 Filter
Brain |
Pedal-ized LP/BP/HP
MS-20 filter with CV/EXP in jack. This was meant to fill the void of a
high quality "Wah Brain" unit, and this custom job became the MS-20
Brain-Freeze. For use with EXPRESSION pedal, or active CV unit such as
the Moog MP-201, etc.
(a frozen filter / filter
Brain) |
MS-20 Brain
Freeze |
A custom version of the
MS-20 Brain Freeze with a simplified bi-directional envelope follower,
reformatted for table top use. |
Production Model Available
NOW!!!! |
PhoTron Filter
A MS-20 style LP/HP/BP resonant filter with
simultaneous full control amplitude envelope follower (sweeps up or
down), stomp enabled LFO through audio range modulation, and 'Ghost Wah'
momentary stomp/swell. Pre filter gain is available, and Filter cutoff
can be centered anywhere from below to above audio range. LP mode is
-12dB per octave. The filter can be pushed into self-oscillation, and
can be used as a stand alone analog synthesizer. This thing is ANY
filter freaks wet dream. Suitable for Guitar/Bass/Line.
(Click here for
8 Step Trem/Wah
Dial in up to 8 different Tremolo rates (or
filter cutoff frequencies in wha mode) and set the clock to flip through
them in order, in random sequence, or cut the clock and manually step
through settings in the order you dial them. Has similar wave shaping
options to the Dual Speed Tremolo in terms of wave shaping and depth of
effect. Can be set to 4/8/10 steps per cycle. |
A 'raw finish' custom table-top
combo unit. It contains Robot Factory Pedal Co. Dual Octave Down
(Mixable one octave below/two octaves below/fundamental square-wave
fuzz), Modulation Delay/Chorus/Vibrato with momentary infinite feedback,
& Variable Wave shape Tremolo. Complete with Expression Pedal inputs for
delay modulation rate and Tremolo speed. Just what the doctor (or
whatever credentials this guy had) ordered. |
Stereo A custom mono instrument to stereo
line - splitter/router/mixer - line to instrument level bi-amper. One
line in, two boosted sends (appropriate for 'Pro Audio' level
processing), Stereo returns (Attenuated back to instrument level), with
two ground isolated outputs each allowing any mix (150% to null) of
input signal, Left channel return, or Right channel return. This
is currently being used in Sweden to send a guitar signal into a stereo
rack reverb/delay unit. Actually, the parallel processing application
potential here is really pretty wide.
This probably belongs with Utility Units |
Synth-Box Duet
This box outputs two independent synth
frequencies which are 'unrelated' to the input frequency. The output
dynamics follow the instrument's input amplitude envelope. Both lines
are sent to a tuner out, so the harmony notes can be dialed silently,
and can be just about anywhere in the audio range. The frequency can be
set via on-board control, EXPression pedal (Moog ep-2), or with the
momentary EXP Key-Box that was built to go with this unit (below). |
Expression Key-Box
Expression control device with three fully
adjustable output stages each with a momentary stomp switch. This acts
as three pre-set expression pedal settings with allowing on-the-fly
accuracy & live performance repeatability while saving pedal board real
estate. could be made with any number of "keys".
See LFO MOD BOX for more EXP automation
options. |
Mr Shred
A modified Marshall Shredmaster and a
line booster, in series, separately switched, in one package. Also
includes a 'Hash' switch to open the upper end for even more shred-itude.
I have done these with clean blend for bass heads.
This fellow wanted his band's logo on the
face, so there it is.
Tentacle Love
A Super
Super-Fuzz. This is a classic octaving transistor fuzz with a stomp
enabled filter mode, (with independent volume) clean blend, fundamental
cancellation control, Expression controlled filter depth. Made
with the bass player in mind, though reportedly still "absolutely slays
with guitar!!"
www.BassFuzz.com |
This is the fully loaded Pent-Octave Synth-Box.
This does three separate processing lines, plus a clean blend. The first
line is one or two octaves down, the second is fundamental or one octave
up, either of which can be frequency modulated with an internal
oscillator (like a ring modulator), and the third is a six way division
harmonizer which divides the fundamental by 3,4,5,6,7,or 8. The final
mixed output can be square-wave-rough, or LP smoothed with
tracking adjustment for naughty or nice behavior, and this one adds two
extra stomps to enable/disable the Fund/Up/Ring Mod line, or the One/Two
Octave below line. See the 'Quad-Octave Synth-Box' page for sound clips. |
Donkey Punch
Basic line booster with +/-15dB treble
and bass, and a full frequency clean boost.
Barbie Face
An early version of what has become the
Lo-Tech-No-Fi-Bot. It is a fundamental square wave smashed into an
oscillator generated square wave for lo-fi synth nonsense. A real
tone / dynamic killer, but super unique, and I just cannot stop playing
with them. This one is a early 'photo finish' favorite.